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E 900
Gouging out cracks and defects, making keyways on metals removing flashers and risers in foundry castings. Back -gouging of butt joints before depositing sealing pass
Special Characteristics :
Does not damage metal structure Smooth cut Hot, Exothermic, penetrating arc Sizes (mm) : 3.15 4.0 5.00
Current (Amps) : 250-350 300-400 350-500
E 901
Cutting plates, pipes, piercing holes, removing rivets, cutting risers of castings, cutting all types of steels including stainless steel, austenitic manganese steel, cast iron, non ferrous metals
Special Characteristics :
The kerfs are clean and narrow Suitable for all positions Produces negligible slag Sizes (mm) : 3.15 4.00 5.00
Current (Amps) : 150-250 200-300 250-400
A 902 DC (+)
Gouging, cutting, bevelling by carbon-air-arc process, cleaning fins and risers, removal of cracks, sand pockets and defects in foundry castings, back-gouging, bevelling in fabrication of all industrial metals
Special Characteristics :
Very high metal removal rates Electrolytieally copper coated carbon rods for high operating currents All position operation Minimum heat input, distortion and metallurgical changes Sizes(mm) : 6 7 8 9 10 12
Current(Amps) : 150-350 180-400 200-450 300-600 400-700 600-900
13 15 16
650-1000 800-1100 900-1200
Also available in the 'Oerlikon-Fon' low heat input welding alloy range is an exclusive range of 'custom products" specially designed for major applications.