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Suggestions for Welding Stainless Steel (back to top)
Stainless steels were primarily developed to render corrosion resistance. There are certain other requirements that must be met in every stainless application. They may include corrosion resistance in a particular medium, avoidance of contamination of product, resistance to oxidation and carbonization at elevated temperatures as well as the ability to provide requisite mechanical strength. There are several grades of stainless steels which can be broadly grouped into 300 Series, 400 Series and others. 300 Series stainless steels contain iron, chromium, nickel and carbon as well as principal ingredients. 400 Series stainless steels contain iron, chromium and carbon as principal ingredients. Not all 400 Series are weldable.
Weldable 400 Series stainless steels are also called straight chromium steels since their major alloying element is chromium. The 400 Series can be divided into ferritic grades and martensitic grades. Each grade calls for different preheat and interpass welding temperatures. The martensitic grades contain chromium from 11-14% and are air hardenable unless modified with an addition of aluminum, titanium, columbium or carbon levels below 0.1%. These modified grades and the higher chromium grades up to 30% have markedly decreased hardenability and are called ferritic stainless steels.
The second group of stainless steels are 300 Series. These grades are very popular in the fabrication industry, as they can withstand a variety of corrosion media. The chromium content of these steels range from 16% to 30%, and the nickel content from 5% to 35%. These are called austenitic steels, as the micro-structure of these grades is predominantly austenite. Nonetheless, there is some ferrite in several grades. The other grades which do not contain any ferrite are called fully austenitic grades. A small amount of ferrite is necessary to stop cracking during solidification of welds. However, in certain media, ferrite causes corrosion, and the only choice for such media is to opt for fully austenitic grades. Fully austenitic grades give rise to micro-fissuring during welding, which could be eliminated by choosing low heat input processes along with restricted low melting constituents in the weld metal.
In addition to the 300 and 400 Series, stainless steels are also classified as 200 Series, 505, 505 modified, 630, 2209, 2253, etc. These products are used for specific purposes which will be discussed under their respective item description in the following pages. However, duplex and super duplex stainless steels call for special mention.
Welding Requirements back to top
To weld stainless steels, three factors are to be considered:
The type of stainless steel material that is to be welded.
The process of welding.
The distortion due to welding.
Welding of 300 Series Stainless Steels back to top
The 300 Series is comprised of two types of material: those which contain ferrite and austenite; and those which contain only austenite.
None of the above require any preheat or interpass temperature or post weld heat treatment. However, heating up to 150 degrees F before welding is advisable to evaporate any condensed moisture in the joint. The stainless steels which do not contain any ferrite are called fully austenitic steels. These materials are prone to develop micro-fissures during welding. Formation of micro-fissures could be avoided by selecting the low heat input process of welding such as TIG or shielded metal arc with up to 1/8" diameter electrodes. The consumables selected for welding of these materials should be able to deposit weld metal with low levels of impurities and low melting constituents. Welding of austenitic stainless steels with more than 10% ferrite should be done with low interpass temperature in order to avoid temper embrittlement, which could occur between 800 degrees F and 1100 degrees F. Some grades, such as 309L, 309LSi and 312, which contain higher ferrite are used for welding of dissimilar metals, in which cause the resulting ferrite in the weld deposit, after dilution from the base materials, should be taken into consideration. If the ferrite after dilution is too low--say less than 2FN or less--there could be a problem of microfissuring in the welds. If the resulting ferrite is too high, such welds undergo faster embrittlement and it is advisable to limit such welds to one or two layers.
Welding of 400 Series Stainless Steels back to top
Welding of most of the 400 Series stainless steels call for maintaining preheat and interpass temperatures, and in some cases post-weld heating to avoid formation of brittle structure called martensite.
Techalloy 405, 409Cb and 430 grades which are ferritic do not require preheat, but it is advisable to heat to 200 degrees F to avoid possible formation of martensite. Techalloy 420 is a martensitic grade, and is extremely sensitive to air hardening, and should be preheated and weld above 600 degrees F. and subjected to post-weld heating at 500 degrees F for one hour.
Welding of Duplex and Super Duplex Stainless Steels back to top
Duplex and super duplex stainless steels were developed to combine the best properties of austenitic and ferritic steels. They have higher yield strength, 65 Ksi (450 N /mm2), and higher tensile strength, 100 Ksi (69 N / mm2), compared to 300 Series stainless steels. These steels are resistant to corrosion as well as to stress corrosion cracking and pitting from hydrocarbon compounds.
Filler metals to weld duplex and super duplex stainless steels will have similar chemical composition to that of parent metal except that the nickel is higher by 3% to 4%. Higher nickel is required to reduce ferrite in order to obtain optimum mechanical properties.
Duplex and super duplex stainless steels are sensitive to embrittlement around 900 degrees F and could rapidly form brittle inter-metallic phases (such as CHI and SIGMA) between 1300 degrees F and 1500 degrees F. Control of heat input during welding is essential to avoid formation of intermetallic phases. Heat input in the range of 15-60 KJ / inch is recommended for welding.
Duplex stainless steels typically have a pitting index between 35 and 38, and super duplexes typically have a pitting index above 40. Pitting index is calculated with the following formula:
PITTING INDEX = %Cr + 3.3(% Mo) + 16(%N)
Process of Welding back to top
Influence of welding processes and parameters also are to be considered for welding of stainless steels. The major welding processes are:
Shielded metal are welding (SMAW)
Submerged arc welding (SAW)
TIG welding
MIG welding
SMAW Welding back to top
In shielded metal arc welding, the consumable used for welding is a coated electrode. The coating flux contains various minerals in order to impart different characteristics to welding. Some principal functions of the flux are:
To ionize the arc atmosphere and improve metal transfer.
To generate shielding gases, and thus protect the molten weld metal from atmospheric oxidation.
To provide slag coverage to the molten weld metal.
To provide deoxidants to react with dissolved oxygen in the weld metal and protect alloying elements.
To provide alloying elements to the weld.
To make a clean slag-metal separation on solidification.
The electrode should be transferred to a holding oven when the package is opened to stop them from absorbing moisture from the atmosphere.
SAW Welding back to top
In submerged arc welding, the flux is separately fed into the joint where the consumable wire establishes an arc beneath the flux. In the heat generated from the arc, the wire as well as some part of the flux melts. As the welding head moves on along the joint, slag and metal separate by virtue of difference in their specific gravities, and on solidification, the weld metal makes the joint, and the slag will be chipped off. The functions of the flux are similar to those in shielded metal arc welding. Heat input is high in SAW, leading to higher productivity.
TIG Welding back to top
In TIG welding, the arc is struck between the work piece and the non-consumable tungsten electrode. The consumable wire is melted in the arc atmosphere and the inert-gases like Argon or Helium or their mixture are used as shielding gases. TIG is extremely suited to join thin sheets, tubes and making root pass welding in pipes, since the heat input in this process is minimal. TIG welds do not cause any undercuts or excessive penetration and the distortion is lowest compares to any other welding process. TIG welds offer superior quality, but result in low productivity.
MIG Welding back to top
Gas-Metal-Arc welding is generally called MIG (Metal Inert Gas) welding. In this process the consumable wire travels through a nozzle and tip before it makes an arc with the work piece. The arc atmosphere is shielded by gases like:
100% argon
99% argon with 1% oxygen
97% argon with 3% carbon dioxide
MIG welding is a high-productivity process. MIG welding doesn't need expensive machinery, and the welding machines are easily transportable, making this process very popular on construction sites. In MIG welding, shielding gas, welding parameters, and the consumable assume an important role. Shielding gases are chosen taking quality, cost and operability into consideration.
In the case of welding with flux cored wires, 100% CO2 and 75% Argon + 25% CO2 are used as shielding gases.
Control of Distortion Due to Welding back to top
Two factors contribute to distortion:
The thermal coefficient of expansion of austenitic stainless steels is very high compared to that of mild steels.
The conductivity of heat of stainless steels is much less than that of mild steels.
Due to the combination of above factors, stainless steels undergo distortion, which must be controlled by using suitable jigs, fixtures and balanced heat input during welding.
Estimation of Delta Ferrite in Austenitic Stainless Steel back to top
There are three methods of estimating ferrite in stainless steels:
By measuring with instruments like Magna-Gauge, which work on the principal of measuring the magnetic strength.
By calculating from the chemical composition with the help of diagrams developed by Schaeffler, Delong and Welding Research Council.
By metallographic methods.
Of the above, the first two items are popular, while the third approach is laborious and time-consuming. Ferrite can be measured from an undiluted weld metal employing a calibrated instrument. Ferrite can also be estimated from the chemical composition of undiluted weld metal using multiple regression charts. Measured ferrite and estimated ferrite could differ to a certain extent.
The weld parameters, thermal experience, and the size, shape and orientation of ferrite could influence the accuracy of measurements.
AWS A5.4 E308-16 back to top
E308-16 electrodes are used to weld unstabilized 18-8 stainless steels such as Types 301, 302, 304, 305 and 308. E308-16 electrodes provide corrosion resistance and physical properties equal to or greater than the steels for which they are recommended. Typical applications include dairy, distillery, restaurant equipment and chemical tanks.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit:
Carbon .05 Manganese 1.7 Silicon .52 Chromium 19.70 Nickel 9.30 Sulfur .021 Phosphorus .023 Nitrogen .04 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 87,500 PSI 600 MPA Yield Strength 58,000 PSI 400 MPA Elongation 38%AWS A5.4 E308L-16 back to top
E308-16L is an extra low carbon electrode used to weld Types 304L and 347. The weld deposit contains a maximum of .04% carbon, which minimizes the formation of chromium carbides, and consequently susceptibility to intergranular corrosion. The weld deposit, with controlled ferrite, gives excellent notch toughness at -320 degrees F (-196 degrees C).
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .05 Manganese 1.7 Silicon .52 Chromium 19.70 Nickel 9.30 Sulfur .021 Phosphorus .023 Nitrogen .04 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 87,500 PSI 600 MPA Yield Strength 58,000 PSI 400 MPA Elongation 38%AWS A5.4 E309-16 back to top
E309-16 electrodes are used for the welding of similar alloys in wrought and cast form, as well as for dissimilar metals such as stainless steels to carbon or low alloy steels. They can also be used for a barrier layer before cladding. Welding of type 405 and 430 can be accomplished without preheat, while types 410, 422 and 446 may call for preheating of a minimum of 300 degrees F (150 degrees C).
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .08 Manganese 1.70 Silicon .52 Chromium 23.50 Nickel 12.3 Sulfur .021 Phosphorus .024 Nitrogen .05 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 87,500 PSI 600 MPA Yield Strength 59,500 PSI 400 MPA Elongation 35%AWS A5.4 E309L-16 back to top
E309-16L gives a weld deposit similar to 309, with reduced carbon levels (.04% maximum) that offer increased resistance to intergranular corrosion. Type 309L is ideal for joining stainless steels to themselves or to carbon or low alloy steels. E309-16L is preferred to E309-16 for cladding over carbon or low alloy steels, as well as dissimilar joints undergo heat treatment.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .035 Manganese 1.58 Silicon .53 Chromium 23.45 Nickel 12.6 Sulfur .021 Phosphorus .024 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 88,500 PSI 555 MPA Yield Strength 59,000 PSI 410 MPA Elongation 36%Tech-Rod 309 Cb - (AWS A5.4 E309Cb-16) back to top
The weld deposit of this electrode is similar to that of E309-16, with the addition of columbium, which stabilizes the alloy against intergranular corrosion. E309-16Cb electrodes are recommended for welding the clad side of types 304L, 321 and 347 stainless steels. The weld deposits provide higher strength at elevated temperatures compared to standard type 309 grade.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .08 Manganese 1.65 Silicon .56 Chromium 23.1 Nickel 12.9 Columbium + Tantalum .79 Sulfur .019 Phosphorus .022 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 88,000 PSI 610 MPA Yield Strength 60,000 PSI 415 MPA Elongation 34%AWS A5.4 E309Mo-16 back to top
E309-16Mo electrodes are used primarily for welding type 316 clad stainless steel and for joining molybdenum bearing austenitic stainless steels to mild or low alloy steels. This electrode may also be used for overlaying carbon steel to provide deposits with a composition similar to type 316 stainless steel.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit:
Carbon .07 Manganese 1.45 Silicon .52 Chromium 23.2 Nickel 13.3 Molybdenum 2.4 Sulfur .019 Phosphorus .025 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 88,500 PSI 610 MPA Yield Strength 60,000 PSI 420 MPA Elongation 35%AWS A5.4 E310-16 back to top
E310-16 electrodes are used to weld stainless steels of similar composition in wrought and cast iron form. The weld deposit is fully austenitic, and as such calls for a minimum heat input during welding.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .11 Manganese 1.90 Silicon .52 Chromium 26.2 Nickel 20.95 Sulfur .012 Phosphorus .016 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 90,500 PSI 625 MPA Yield Strength 61,500 PSI 425 MPA Elongation 34%AWS A5.4 E310Cb-16 back to top
E310-16Cb electrodes deposit weld metal that is similar in composition to that of type 310, with an addition of columbium and a reduction in carbon content. these electrodes are primarily used for welding steels that are clad with type 347, as well as for joining columbium stabilized steels to mild or low alloy steels.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .12 Manganese 2.0 Silicon .52 Chromium 26.4 Nickel 21.4 Columbium .79 Sulfur .022 Phosphorus .02 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 90,000 PSI 620 MPA Yield Strength 60,500 PSI 420 MPA Elongation 31%AWS A5.4 E310HC-16 back to top
E310-16HC is designed for welding of high alloy heat and corrosion resistant castings of HK grade. The composition of the weld deposit is similar to that of type 310, with the carbon level between
0.35% and 0.45%Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .41 Manganese 2.15 Silicon .52 Chromium 26.25 Nickel 21.4 Sulfur .021 Phosphorus .019 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 104,500 PSI 720 MPA Yield Strength 85,500 PSI 590 MPA Elongation 12%AWS A5.4 E310Mo-16 back to top
The weld deposit of E310-16Mo electrodes is similar to that of type 310, with an addition of molybdenum. These electrodes are used for the welding of the clad side of types 316, 316L and 317 clad steels. They are also used for welding other molybdenum bearing stainless steels for joining these steels either to mild or low alloy steels.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .12 Manganese 2.05 Silicon .48 Chromium 26.4 Nickel 21.30 Molybdenum 2.30 Sulfur .019 Phosphorus .024 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 91,000 PSI 630 MPA Yield Strength 78,000 PSI 540 MPA Elongation 12%AWS A5.4 E312-16 back to top
E312-16 electrodes are used for welding wrought and cast alloys of similar composition as well as for welding of dissimilar metals. The weld deposits exhibit high tensile strength and offer good
resistance to abrasion.Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .12 Manganese 1.80 Silicon .56 Chromium 29.3 Nickel 9.4 Sulfur .021 Phosphorus .022 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 109,000 PSI 750 MPA Yield Strength 78,000 PSI 540 MPA Elongation 23%AWS A5.4 E316-16 back to top
E316-16 electrodes are designed for welding wrought and cast forms of similar composition. The presence of molybdenum increases the creep resistance at elevated temperatures and offers good resistance at elevated temperatures and offers good resistance to pitting corrosion. Applications include welding of equipment for chemical and process industries.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .055 Manganese 1.7 Silicon .56 Chromium 18.85 Nickel 12.90 Molybdenum 2.35 Sulfur .024 Phosphorus .025 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 87,500 PSI 600 MPA Yield Strength 58,500 PSI 400 MPA Elongation 36%AWS A5.4 E316L-16 back to top
The weld deposit of E316-16L electrodes is similar to that of Techalloy type 316, except the carbon is limited to a maximum of 0.04%. Precise control of the carbon content in E316-16L electrodes provides a weld deposit matching the corrosion resistant qualities of type 316L stainless steel. The extra low carbon content reduces the possibility of carbide precipitation and consequent intergranular corrosion.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .035 Manganese 1.75 Silicon .52 Chromium 18.7 Nickel 12.65 Molybdenum 2.30 Sulfur .022 Phosphorus .024 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 85,800 PSI 590 MPA Yield Strength 58,000 PSI 400 MPA Elongation 36%AWS A5.4 E317-16 back to top
E317-16 electrodes are designed for welding of alloys of similar composition. The weld deposit has more molybdenum compared to that of type 316, and offers good resistance to crevice and pitting corrosion.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .06 Manganese 1.55 Silicon .52 Chromium 18.9 Nickel 12.95 Molybdenum 3.350 Sulfur .022 Phosphorus .018 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 86,500 PSI 600 MPA Yield Strength 58,500 PSI 400 MPA Elongation 34%AWS A5.4 E317L-16 back to top
The weld deposit of E317-16L is similar to that of type 317, except the carbon is limited to a maximum of 0.04%. In addition to the resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion, this consumable offers good resistance to intergranular corrosion.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit:
Carbon .035 Manganese 1.65 Silicon .55 Chromium 18.75 Nickel 13.0 Sulfur .019 Phosphorus .022 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded):
Tensile Strength 82,500 PSI 570 MPA Yield Strength 58,000 PSI 400 MPA Elongation 38%AWS A5.4 E320-16 back to top
E320-16 electrodes are designed for welding of alloys of similar composition in wrought and cost forms. The weld metal provides exceptionally good corrosion resistance to a wide range of chemical environment. The weld deposit is fully austenitic, and as such the heat input has to be limited to minimum during welding to avoid microfissuring.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .04 Manganese 1.95 Silicon .52 Chromium 20.10 Nickel 33.75 Molybdenum 2.55 Columbium + Tantalum .72 Copper 3.55 Sulfur .019 Phosphorus .022 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded):
Tensile Strength 86,000 PSI 590 MPA Yield Strength 59,000 PSI 410 MPA Elongation 33%AWS A5.4 E320LR-16 back to top
E320-16LR is similar in composition to E320-16, with carbon, silicon, phosphorus and sulfur controlled to lower limits and columbium and manganese kept to a narrower range. This composition is designed to reduce the possibility of microfissuring; however, low heat input is advisable for welding.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .024 Manganese 2.05 Silicon .24 Chromium 19.8 Nickel 33.9 Molybdenum 2.4 Columbium + Tantalum .27 Copper 3.55 Sulfur .011 Phosphorus .014 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 85,000 PSI 590 MPA Yield Strength 57,000 PSI 390 MPA Elongation 34%AWS A5.4 E330-16 back to top
E330-16 electrodes are used to weld wrought and cast forms of stainless steels of similar chemical composition, which offer good heat and scale resistance above 1800 degrees F (980 degrees C). However, high sulfur environments adversely affect the high temperature performance. The heat input has to be kept to a minimum during welding to avoid the possibility of microfissuring.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .21 Manganese 1.90 Silicon .48 Chromium 15.45 Nickel 34.4 Sulfur .023 Phosphorus .021 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 84,500 PSI 580 MPA Yield Strength 57,000 PSI 390 MPA Elongation 26%AWS A5.4 E330H-16 back to top
The weld deposit of E330-16H is of the similar chemical composition of E330-16, with an increased carbon between 0.35% to 0.45%. These electrodes are primarily used to weld high-grade alloy castings which can withstand oxidizing atmospheres up to 2000 degrees F (980 degrees C). However, high sulfur environments are detrimental.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit:
Carbon .41 Manganese 2.0 Silicon .50 Chromium 15.70 Nickel 34.2 Sulfur .018 Phosphorus .023 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded):
Tensile Strength 97,000 PSI 670 MPA Yield Strength 81,000 PSI 560 MPA Elongation 12%AWS A5.4 E347-16 back to top
E347-16 electrodes are columbium stabilized stainless steel electrodes used for the welding of types 347 and 321 stainless clad steels. The columbium content is approximately ten times the carbon content, and when this product is used to weld stabilized type 347 or 321 parent metal, it precludes intergranular corrosion under severe operating conditions.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .055 Manganese 1.65 Silicon .52 Chromium 19.15 Nickel 10.15 Columbium .75 Sulfur .017 Phosphorus .024 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 86,000 PSI 590 MPA Yield Strength 57,000 PSI 390 MPA Elongation 35%AWS A5.4 E385-16 back to top
E385-16 is used for welding of materials of similar chemical composition (UNS Number N08904). These materials are used in fabrication of equipment and vessels for handling and storage of sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid. The weld metal is fully austenitic and, as such, the low melting constituents such as carbon, silicon and phosphorus should be kept low. Welding must be done with low heat input, using stringer bead technique.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit:
Carbon .015 Manganese 2.1 Silicon .45 Chromium 20.5 Nickel 25.2 Molybdenum 4.6 Copper 1.750 Sulfur .009 Phosphorus .018 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded):
Tensile Strength 88,000 PSI 610 MPA Yield Strength 65,500 PSI 450 MPA Elongation 32%AWS A5.4 E410-16 back to top
E410-16 is designed to weld stainless steels of similar chemical composition as well as to overlay carbon steels to impart corrosion, erosion and abrasion. This material, being an air-hardening type, calls for a preheat and interpass temperature of not less that 400 degrees F (200 degrees C) during welding.
NOTE: Mechanical properties listed below reflect utilization of a post-weld heat treatment between 1550 degrees F and 1650 degrees F for two hours.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .12 Manganese .68 Silicon .52 Chromium 12.1 Sulfur .021 Phosphorus .022 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 78,500 PSI 540 MPA Yield Strength 63,000 PSI 430 MPA Elongation 23%AWS A5.4 E410NiMo-16 back to top
E410-16NiMo is designed to weld materials of similar chemical compositions in cast and wrought forms. Preheat and interpass temperatures of not less that 300 degrees F (150 degrees C) are recommended during welding. Post-weld heat treatment should not exceed 1150 degrees F (620 degrees C), as higher temperatures may result in hardening.
NOTE: Mechanical properties listed below reflect utilization of a post-weld heat treatment between 1100 degrees F and 1150 degrees F for one hour.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .03 Manganese .52 Silicon .45 Chromium 12.1 Nickel 4.55 Molybdenum .52 Sulfur .019 Phosphorus .018 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 110,500 PSI 800 MPA Yield Strength 91,000 PSI 630 MPA Elongation 17%AWS A5.4 E430 back to top
E430-16 is designed to weld materials of similar chemical composition as well as overlay on carbon steels. The undiluted weld metal is ferritic, but with the dilution from mild or low alloy steel, it could become martensitic. Therefore, preheating and interpass temperatures of 300 degrees F (150 degrees C) during welding are recommended.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .05 Manganese .65 Silicon .42 Chromium 16.4 Sulfur .024 Phosphorus .023 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 74,000 PSI 530 MPA Yield Strength 58,500 PSI 400 MPA Elongation 23%AWS A5.4 E502-16 back to top
E502-16 is designed to weld materials of similar chemical composition which are used in high temperature service applications. A preheat and interpass temperatures of not less that 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) is required during welding to eliminate the possibility of cracking.
NOTE: Mechanical properties listed below reflect utilization of a post-weld heat treatment between 1550 degrees F (840 degrees C) and 1600 degrees F (870 degrees C) for two hours.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .08 Manganese .72 Silicon .51 Chromium 5.25 Molybdenum .52 Sulfur .022 Phosphorus .023 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 77,800 PSI 540 MPA Yield Strength 59,000 PSI 410 MPA Elongation 22%AWS A5.4 E505-16 back to top
E505-16 is designed to weld materials of similar chemical composition. This alloy is an air-hardening type, and hence calls for preheat and interpass temperature of not less that 350 degrees F during welding.
NOTE: Mechanical properties listed below reflect utilization of a post-weld heat treatment between 1550 degrees F (840 degrees C) and 1600 degrees F (870 degrees C) for two hours.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .065 Manganese .60 Silicon .46 Chromium 9.5 Molybdenum .98 Sulfur .022 Phosphorus .023 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 81,000 PSI 560 MPA Yield Strength 63,500 PSI 440 MPA Elongation 22%AWS A5.4 E2209-16 back to top
E2209-16 is used to weld duplex stainless steels such as UNS Number N31803. The welds offer excellent resistance to stress corrosion, cracking and pitting. The microstructure of the weld metal consists of austenite and ferrite of weld metal will be lower than the ferrite of type 2205 base metal. Welding of duplex stainless steels call for controlled parameters to achieve specified mechanical and corrosion resistance properties.
Typical Chemical Composition of the deposit :
Carbon .02 Manganese 1.65 Silicon .52 Chromium 22.4 Nickel 8.9 Molybdenum 3.3 Sulfur .012 Phosphorus .016 Nitrogen .16 Iron BalanceMechanical Properties of all weld metal (as welded) :
Tensile Strength 102,000 PSI 700 MPA Yield Strength 87,000 PSI 600 MPA Elongation 22%